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Created 6-Jun-09
Modified 30-Jun-09
Visitors 224
30 photos
These were taken the first week of June. Photos will be added for awhile as there are a LOT to process. It is populated with many very friendly folk who made the visit much more than just taking photos.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

The PalousePalouse patternsPalouse patternsThe wheatPalouse patternsPalouse patternsBrick and wood fireplace?Palouse sceneThunderstorm at sunsetSunset over the PalouseSun sinking over the PalousePalouse patternsPalouse FallsDownstream from Palouse FallsA little late afternoon workPalouse patternsPalouse patternsPalouse patternsWindows XP Opening Scene?Palouse patterns

Guestbook for The Palouse
Mark Drawbridge(non-registered)
Looks like you had an exceptional trip - love the colors!
The guestbook is empty.